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Yi Serviced Apartments
Yi Serviced Apartments
Yi Serviced Apartments
Yi Serviced Apartments
Yi Serviced Apartments
Yi Serviced Apartments
Yi Serviced Apartments
Yi Serviced Apartments
Yi Serviced Apartments
Yi Serviced Apartments
Yi Serviced Apartments

Yi Serviced Apartments

10-12 Chatham Court, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

3.7/5 | 2 Opiniones

Seleccione su día

Reservar estándar Dayuse
11:00 - 16:00

Apartamento Habitación Doble
1 cama doble o 2 individuales
No reembolsable
Pagar en línea
70 €
151 € por la noche

Condiciones específicas

Información de pago

  • Se acepta el pago en efectivo en este hotel

Nos está gustando

  • room
    Habitación acogedoraIn these trendy, peaceful apartments, your well-being is the centre of attention
  • sport
    Para mantenerse en formaHave you ever worked out in a cyber gym? Today is the day!
  • architecture
    lugar inspiradorThe perfect blend of modern style and old-world charm await you here, in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui

Situated in Tsim Sha Tsui, the bustling heart of Kowloon,the Yi Serviced Apartments intelligently combine modernsophistication and old-world coziness to provide residentswith a true home away from home. Designed to meet theaccommodation requirements of international executives,the Yi apartment complex impress everyone while o°eringthe perfect backdrop for relaxation.Let these carefully-cra˛ed spaces enhance your sense ofwell-being.Yi is the Chinese word for meaning. As such, the YiServiced Apartments re˝ect a philosophy thatacknowledges both the uniqueness of individuals and theimportance of having a space to realize one’s dreams andenjoy the fruits of one’s labours.

Instalaciones del hotel

Wifi gratuito
Wifi gratuito

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10-12 Chatham Court, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

518 900 594
